Friday, May 29, 2009

green monkeys under ethics spotlight

the age 28th/5/09
GENETICALLY modified monkeys that can pass on a foreign gene have been created in the lab. instigating new paths in medical reseach. team leader erika sasaki of the central institute for EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS, in Kawasaki, said:The successful creation of transgenic marmosets provides a new animal model for human diseases...... Do i need to say is you make me so sick so sick erika sasaki how on earth do you sleep at night. so safe is it? well why dont you test it on yourself and you kids? Just stop all this bullshit, eat some propper food out of the fresh garden stop buying shit out of the supermarket and put all that funding back into mother nature, otherwise you wont have a planet at all you are so sick i want to spew all over you. poor little creatures so small how could you. disease parkinsons huntingtons and it goes on and on why do you want to keep humans alive for longer is because you want money money money thats all you care about isnt it. sick sick.

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